Best Practices in Education are at the forefront of a technically savvy revolution that is creating inspiring innovation in the classroom.
This revolution adds momentum to the intersection where academic learning meets a student’s willingness to engage in simulations which build moral character, leadership ability, and critical thinking.
Be a part of these exciting trends by helping support a conference for educators who use leading edge tools and techniques in the classroom. The VWBPE conference reaches over 3000 educators from around the world who are advancing these educational techniques.
Your donation will be used to help us create open-sourced, peer-reviewed archives which extend well beyond the 3-4 days of the conference, as well as permit teachers and educators to learn how to work with changing technologies in the classroom.
In addition, your brand recognition will expand well beyond a simple 4 day conference given that it will be part of the public record and accessible through the US Library and Archives. You can view past conference proceedings at the Journal of Virtual Studies.
There is no better investment than in educating the future leaders in advanced education, so learn today how to become a sponsor for the 8th Annual Best Practices in Education Conference.