Following best practices is not a yearly occurrence, but the conference that showcases them is. VWBPE (the Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference) is here, and it is opening its Call for Proposals on October 26, 2015. You can start reviewing the requirements as of now, and start reflecting on your accomplishments, so that you can offer them to VWBPE participants. The full Call for Proposals guidelines can be found here:

VWBPE will have one call, and one call only, for proposals, so get them in by no later than January 17, 2016. This is a hard, no-extensions, deadline. Don’t get left out! This year promises to have more noteworthy individuals featured in our program, as well as new events and new opportunities to network, create opportunities for partnerships, and build community through the common thread of innovation and best practices. Your Horizons await you.

Educators and communities of practice who use virtual worlds are trend setters–pioneers in a virtual landscape of possibilities. To you, the next horizon is the next opportunity for change, for innovation, and for exploration. It is the next opportunity to offer a paradigm shift, and to chart unexplored lands for the newcomers, the intrepid following in your heels, and the curious seeking to find new opportunities and new ways of thinking.

Great change is coming, and VWBPE is changing to meet this need. Watch for new opportunities in this year’s call for proposals and submit a proposal starting October 26, 2015. Deadline is January 17, 2016.

“We have always held to the hope, the belief, the conviction that there is a better life, a better world, beyond the horizon.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

Horizons - VWBPE 2016
Image source: Pixabay, NASA-Imagery, CC0 Public Domain