VRevolutions: Introduction

We are living in a disruptive age, where technology innovation has changed they way we live, the way we learn, and the way we interact. Innovation isn’t just a word used by scientists and entrepreneurs, it has come to describe our ever changing society. VRevolutions is your time to be part of that change.

VWBPE is an ecosystem of digital spaces. While the conference is hosted in Second Life, our conference features a variety of virtual and digital spaces. To present at VRevolutions, think outside the virtual space and consider how multiple available technologies and devices redefine what it means to work, create, and learn “virtually”. The VRevolution is about doing what scares you, what excites you, breaking and creating new paradigms.

At VRevolutions, VWBPE welcomes the multifaceted communities that contribute to and expand best practices in digital and virtual spaces to support practice, creation, and learning. Regardless of the community you represent, your proposal should consider how it contributes and expands the knowledge base for innovative and revolutionary change through the increasingly complex landscape of digital technology.

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